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Sunn yoga

WholesomeMV Off the Mat is where we explore how we can use the practices of yoga and mindfulness, on the mat, to support us in being with life off the mat in, its capacities and complexities. 


Off the Mat was created to connect the why behind what we do on the Mat. It's an educational component, showcasing the many ways Yoga and Mindfulness show up in our lives. To showcase that, if we choose, these practices can support us in working with the energy we are, learning to embrace it and be with it. It also helps us navigate the stories of the world we all live in.


Our current Off the Mat offerings include:

Wholesome Off the Mat_edited_edited.jpg
  • Social Links (2)
  • youtube

DBA og juridisk navn: Jason Mazar-Kelly driver virksomhet som WholesomeMV, LLC

Bedriftssted:Martha's Vineyard - Dukes County - MA - USA

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Kundeservice:Kontakt oss på for å komme i kontakt med oss!


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