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Yoga Basics with YogiJay - Hosted by the West Tis Library

mán., 09. ágú.


West Tisbury

Learn the practice of yoga with YogiJay and the West Tisbury Library! Are you new to yoga, never practiced before or looking for some in-person guidance on your practice? This is the class for you.

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Yoga Basics with YogiJay - Hosted by the West Tis Library
Yoga Basics with YogiJay - Hosted by the West Tis Library

Time & Location

09. ágú. 2021, 10:30 – GMT-4 – 11:30

West Tisbury, 1042 State Rd, West Tisbury, MA 02575, USA

About the event

Are you new to yoga, never practiced before or looking for some in-person guidance on your practice? This is the class for you.   In yoga basics, you will learn about the foundations of yoga including basic yoga postures, meditation, and breathwork to improve and optimize flexibility, strength, balance, and mental/emotional health. All levels are welcome.

Practice will be outdoors however a room will be reserved for indoor practice if there is inclement weather. Masks are required indoors. Class size is limited to 16 participants, please pre-register to save your spot! If you have any questions, please reach out to or the Library. Class is free thanks to the sponsorship of the West Tisbury Library! Check out all of their offerings here:

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