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Meditation in the Gardens with WholesomeMV and The MV Museum

mán., 29. ágú.


The Cooke House

Join YogiJay (Jason Mazar-Kelly), WholesomeMV and the MV Museum for a wholesome series of meditations in the beautiful gardens at the historic Cooke house in Edgartown!

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Meditation in the Gardens with WholesomeMV and The MV Museum
Meditation in the Gardens with WholesomeMV and The MV Museum

Time & Location

29. ágú. 2022, 11:30 – 12:00

The Cooke House, 51 School St, Edgartown, MA 02539, USA

About the event

Join YogiJay (Jason Mazar-Kelly), WholesomeMV and the MV Museum for a wholesome series of meditations in the beautiful gardens at the historic Cooke house in Edgartown! Every Monday in August (starting on the 8th) at 11:30am, YogiJay will lead a half-hour session focused on sharing a variety of meditation techniques to help you find your unique meditation style. This is a great opportunity to learn more about meditation and experience its many benefits. Its also a great time to connect with the community and the beautiful downtown streets of Edgartown. Whether you're an island worker looking to take a midday wellness break or a vacationer looking for a peaceful experience, this is the class for you. Bring a friend, mat, towel, meditation cushion or just yourself and let's take a moment to pause together!

Classes are donation based with a suggested donation of $10. You can donate via venmo or cash. All donations will be split 50/50 with the Museum and WholesomeMV, a collaborative-based wellness business that seeks to utilize collaboration with local wellness practitioners, island organizations, and institutions to enhance and create cooperative and inclusive wellness experiences on the island of Martha's Vineyard!

"Meditation is a conscious practice whereby the practitioner utilizes a tool or technique to increase awareness of the practitioner's mind and its connection to their being. Through the utilization of these tools and techniques, the practitioner is able to, with practice, consistency and time, bring greater awareness and alignment between the unconscious and conscious."  - YogiJay

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DBA og viðskiptaheiti: Jason Mazar-Kelly í viðskiptum sem WholesomeMV, LLC

Staðsetning fyrirtækja:Martha's Vineyard - Dukes County - MA - Bandaríkin

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